Blog Nicole Santamaría (2025)

1. Blog - Nicole Santamaria OT for Real Life

  • I'm Nicole. I help parents like you help your school-age child develop Real Life strategies for success in life and school.

  • Helping you help your kids.

2. Home - Nicole Santamaria OT for Real Life

  • I'm an occupational therapist and a mom who works with parents like you to help their school-aged child develop skills for success in life, at home, ...

  • Solutions that make a difference in your kids' everyday life. I'm an occupational therapist and a mom who works with parents like you to help their school-aged child develop skills for success in life, at home, with friends, and in the classroom. Contact Me Parent Consults Parent Programs Workshops & Digital Products Parenting is hard!

3. Movement Maker Profiles: Nicole Santamaría - Move to End Violence

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  • Nicole serves as Executive Director of El/La Para TransLatinas, continuing to develop El/La’s diverse programs while supporting staff’s development and growth, strengthening partnerships with community allies and organizations, ensuring continued funding and financial stability, and serving as El/La’s spokesperson and representative to the public at large, with an holistic approach, opening the space for healing journeys.

4. El/La's Nicole Santamaria, Open Minded, Open Hearted - El Tecolote

5. Nicole Santamaria - Facebook

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  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

6. Nicole Santamaria - Facebook

  • Missing: blog | Show results with:blog

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

7. Nicole Santamaria - SoundCloud

  • Play Nicole Santamaria on SoundCloud and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.

  • Listen to Nicole Santamaria | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.

8. Nicole - Orcutt Hills Dental Studio Santa Maria California

9. Nicole Santamaria | Booking Agent | Talent Roster - MN2S

  • Nicole Santamaría Pérez is an actress and businesswoman. She was born in New Jersey in the United States, but was raised in the Colombian capital of Bogotá.

  • Nicole Santamaría Pérez is an actress and businesswoman. She was born in New Jersey in the United States

10. Podcast blog - Santa Maria College

  • In this episode, we chat with Nicole Lockwood, who currently works with the government and private sector to develop long-term... Read More · Jennifer Oaten, ...

  • Featured Faith Unveiled: Navigating Faith in the 21st Century with Melissa, Adele and Sascha. Kristen Jones (Marchese, Class of 2006)Kristen’s […]

11. Nicole Santamaria | Arquivos - GAY BLOG BR @gayblogbr

  • Tag: Nicole Santamaria. No posts to display. - BKDR -. GAY BLOG BR by SCRUFF. Redes Sociais. 250,505FansLike. 172,137FollowersFollow. 31,884FollowersFollow.


12. Feminist Lecture Series: Nicole SantaMaria, El/La Para Translatinas

  • Sep 9, 2019 · This lecture is a reflection about this statement from one the greatest feminists from the 20th century, and its application in trans identities ...

  • "You are not born a woman, you become one. -Simone de Beauvoir” This lecture is a reflection about this statement from one the greatest feminists from the 20th century, and its application in trans identities and transfeminisms. El/La is an organization for transgender Latinas (translatinas) t

13. Perfiles de Movement Makers: Nicole Santamaría - Move to End Violence

  • Mi gente son los sobrevivientes, los que creen en el valor y la dignidad de la creación extendida y están haciendo su parte para construir comunidades ...

  • Nicole se desempeña como directora ejecutiva de El/La Para TransLatinas y continúa desarrollando los diversos programas de El/La mientras apoya el desarrollo y crecimiento del personal, fortaleciendo las asociaciones con aliades y organizaciones de la comunidad, asegurando financiación continua y estabilidad financiera, y sirviendo como portavoz y representante de El/La ante el público en general, con un enfoque holístico, abriendo el espacio para viajes de sanación.

14. Racial Justice Speaker Series 2023-2024 - UC Davis School of Law

  • Blog · Faculty Affiliates · Campus & Organizational Affiliates · Critical ... Nicole Santamaría has expertise in healing justice and anti-violence work ...

  • Racial Justice Speaker Series 2023-24 Created in response to the tragic killings by police of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others

15. La actriz Nicole Santamaría relató su experiencia como mesera ... - Infobae

  • Aug 22, 2024 · La protagonista de 'Klass 95′ reveló un duro capítulo de su vida en el que atravesó por una crisis económica buscando el sueño americano en ...

  • La protagonista de ‘Klass 95′ reveló un duro capítulo de su vida en el que atravesó por una crisis económica buscando el sueño americano en la actuación: “No les importa quién eres”

16. LGBT Voices for Equality: El Salvador - Human Rights First

  • Sep 30, 2015 · -Nicole Santamaria, LGBTQI Human Rights Defender. Blog. El Salvador is a hotspot for gang violence and one of the deadliest countries in the ...

  • By Shawn M. Gaylord   In Her Words “I came to the United States in 2013 through the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights to denounce the El Salvadorian state for the lack of compromise for us, particular for the transgender community…At the end of the hearing, they asked if we wanted any kind of protections, […]

Blog Nicole Santamaría (2025)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Views: 6162

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.