KAMALA HARRIS - Page 83 (2025)

THE CAPE CHARLES MIRROR November 30, 2024 at 6:58 pm

Paul R. Plante says:

It is now 25 days since the massive and well-deserved trouncing of the hapless, out-of-touch-with-reality, ill-fated and poorly run HARRIS/WALZ campaign, and we are as divided as a nation and as a people as we were in 1775, and again in 1861, and after that, the latter-1960’s.

In 1775, we were split into two factions – those who were for the King in England, and those who were for liberty and self-rule, and there followed just over seven (7) years of bloody warfare with members of families divided and fighting each other to the death, which conflict killed off one percent of the population back then, with between 25,000 and 70,000 American Patriots dying during active military service, with approximately 6,800 being killed in battle, while at least 17,000 died from disease, the majority of whom died while prisoners of war of the British, mostly in the prison ships in New York Harbor.

The American Revolution, a Civil War in actuality, as it was American against American as much as British troops against Americans, especially in the bloody Mohawk Valley of New York state, was second only to the Civil War in terms of losses to the population.

Then we had the Civil War, which was Americans against Democrats, with some 500,000 who died on the Union and Democrat sides.

And we were just getting back together as a people, when Viet Nam in the 1960’s tore us back apart again.

And now, here we are, being torn apart by the very people who told us they were “uniters,” not dividers, as we saw in the Acceptance speech of coronated Democrat candidate Kamala Harris on August 22, 2024, to wit:

I know there are people of various political views watching tonight.

And I want you to know: I promise to be a President for all Americans.

You can always trust me to put country above party and self.

To hold sacred America’s fundamental principles.

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And what a load of totally transparent BULL**** that all was, which is why HARRIS/WALZ spun, crashed and burned, as they did and should have, because those two clowns, Kamala Harris, who couldn’t stop her very annoying cackling that had her sounding like a hyena (cue Youtube, Kamala Harris Cackling – 2 Minute Compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbWDpHhNZbc ), and “cuddly” Timmy Walz (cue Youtube, Media Fawn Over Kamala’s ‘Cuddly’ VP Pick Tim Walz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaCN_6DKFNc ), were the most un-presidential candidates we have had dished up to us from the bottom of the political barrel in the entire history of this nation!

The absolute worst!

And while it is said that politics makes for strange bedfellows, never in my life have I seen such an array of strangeness as was the case with HARRIS/WALZ, who did not have supporters so much as they had a menagerie (a strange or diverse collection of people) as their followers, and some very angry and strange creatures they were, as we see in this Youtube video of a dude who actually thinks or believes he is a woman going off big time on the employees of a Popeye’s because somebody dared to call the dude, who is obviously a dude, regardless of what he might think about it, “sir”:

Trans Person Freaks Out At Popeyes After Hearing Employee Say ‘Sir’

Which takes us back to the full transcript from President Joe Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress on 28 April 2021, where we have Joe Biden, this being the very same Joe Biden featured in this video of Joe standing next to the dude who runs India, yelling out like an imbecile about who he was to introduce next, which was the same Indian dude standing next to him (cue, Youtube, “Who’s Next?” | The Moment Where Joe Biden Forgot To Introduce PM Narendra Modi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrrT3H0niBk ) calling that dude who freaked out in Popeye’s “brave,” to wit:

To all the transgender Americans watching at home – especially the young people who are so brave – I want you to know that your president has your back.

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Which is why that dude was able to go into that Popeye’s and act like a real dangerous A-HOLE, because BDEN/HARRIS had his back, which in turn made the employees of Popeyes, and by extension, the American people, the political adversaries and enemies of BIDEN/HARRIS and subsequently, HARRIS/WALZ which brings us to a Washington Examiner story titled “Democrats turn on each other in battle for soul of the party” by Max Thornberry on 24 November 2024, where we have the TRUE BIDEN/HARRIS and HARRIS/WALZ Democrat party self-revealed, as follows:

Democrats largely abandoned their “defund the police” messaging this time around.

But Republicans dashed to remind voters about another 2020-era position most Democrats hadn’t abandoned — the issue of transgender female athletes competing against biological women in sports and a broader embrace of forcing a unanimous view on the contentious topic.

One of Trump’s most successful campaign ads revolved around Harris’s 2019 positions saying she would approve of taxpayer-funded transition surgeries for illegal immigrants who were in prison.

His message that Harris was for “they/them” and Trump was for “you” hit home to the tune of pushing the race 2.7 percentage points in his favor.

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) tried to verbalize his problem with his party’s position and might wind up getting driven out of the House for it.

“Democrats spend way too much time trying not to offend anyone rather than being brutally honest about the challenges many Americans face,” Moulton said days after the election concluded.

“I have two little girls, I don’t want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat, I’m supposed to be afraid to say that.”

The backlash was swift as Democrats lined up to separate themselves from Moulton’s comments and cling closer to the policy he was trying to move away from.

Massachusetts Democratic Party Chairman Steve Kerrigan said Moulton’s words “do not represent the broad view of our party,” and a school system in Moulton’s district rejected his message “in the strongest possible terms.”

Moulton’s own campaign manager, Kyle Davis, quit working for the congressman and demanded he resign his seat immediately.

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Think about that, people, and think about it hard: Moulton’s words that he has two little girls and he doesn’t want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, do not represent the broad view of the BIDEN/HARRIS and HARRIS/WALZ Democrat party,

Talk about being ANTI-WOMEN, people, that is incredible – in its own words, the Democrat party of BIDEN/HARRIS is FOR the two little girls of Seth Moulton getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, which makes the two little girls of Seth Moulton second-class citizens in America, and because Seth Moulton sought to speak for his two little girls, as we see in the Washington Examiner story titled “Democrats prepare to oust Seth Moulton for speaking out about transgender athletes” by Annabella Rosciglione on 27 November 2024, Seth Moulton is in big trouble deep with the Democrat party of BIDEN/HARRIS and HARRIS/WALZ, to wit:

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) could be in the hot seat within his party for comments he made on Democratic views of the LGBT community, which could result in a primary challenge.

Moulton received pushback from local Democratic leaders and LGBTQ advocates nationally and in Massachusetts for comments he made about transgender youth in sports after Democrats’ losses in the 2024 election.

Following Democrats’ losses earlier this month, Moulton suggested that the Democratic Party’s acceptance of biological males playing in girls’ sports could be traced to the party’s losses.

Moulton said Democrats had spent “too much time trying not to offend anyone.”

“I have two little girls.”

“I don’t want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete,” he said.

“But as a Democrat, I’m supposed to be afraid to say that.”

Since the comments, which resulted in his campaign manager resigning and many Massachusetts and national Democrats condemning him, Moulton has defended his remarks.

He argued that he is providing a voice to a popular but rarely expressed view among Democratic lawmakers.

“I’ve never had more people, parents and, by the way, a lot of LGBTQ community members, reach out to me and say, ‘Thank you for saying this,’” Moulton told the New York Times.

“Some of them are just speaking authentically as parents.”

“Some of them believe the trans movement has gone too far.”

“It is imperiling the progress we’ve made.”

Because of this, some strategists also believe that other Democrats could seize on these comments and run a race against Moulton.

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Call me conservative and call me old-fashioned, but that is some pretty weird and sick **** there.




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KAMALA HARRIS - Page 83 (2025)
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