The Adventures of Kim Jong Un - TV Tropes (2025)

The Adventures of Kim Jong Un - TV Tropes (1)

Obama can only dream of being this majestic.

"Those who find it odd will be fed to the poor... of other nations, since there is no poverty in True Korea. Or cannibalism."

Metal Minister

The Adventures of Kim Jong Un is a series of CollegeHumor web animations chronicling the fictional adventures of North Korea's dictator and his Robot Buddy. The series claims to be written and directed by Kim Jong-un himself and resembles a combination of pro-North Korean Propaganda Piece and personal Wish-Fulfillment, with Kim portrayed as a Marty Stu ruling over a shining Utopia and foiling Barack Obama's evil capitalist plans with ease.

The first episode, simply titled "The Adventures of Kim Jong Un," was posted on May 9, 2012, and the series officially came to a close with the second part of "Kim Jong Un vs. Kim Jong Il" on April 3, 2014.

See The Rulers of North Korea for information on the real-life North Korean government.

This series provides examples of:

  • Accent Upon The Wrong Syllable: Metal Minister's synthesized voice has some pronunciation-related quirks.
  • Actor/Role Confusion: Nearly all the Celebrity Cameos appear as famous characters they have played:
    • Bruce Willis is dressed like John McClane
    • Kristen Bell introduces herself as Veronica Mars.
    • Robert Downey Jr. appears as Iron Man, albeit looking more like the comic version than the movie version.
    • Jennifer Lawrence appears as both Katniss Everdeen and Mystique
    • Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds are combined into a single person wearing Gosling's dragon jacket from Drive (2011) and a Green Lantern shirt.
  • Actually a Doombot: Kim Jong-il in "Kim Jong Un vs. Kim Jong Il," although unlike the original Doombots, it isn't being controlled by the real deal.
  • Ambiguous Situation: The end of "Kim Jong-un vs. Kim Jong-il Part 2". Kim Jong-un willingly gives the orb of leadership to his brother, who is immediately crushed by the responsibilities and killed. The Robot Buddy immediately assumes that this was Kim Jong-un's plan all along, but Kim Jong-un doesn't confirm this, and his hesitation to take the orb back at the end suggests that he may genuinely have hoped that his brother would be able to bear it, releasing him from it himself.
  • Animesque: Several styles of it. Women are drawn in a generic anime style, being tall and attractive, while Americans and other antagonistic men are portrayed as short, chibi-esque dwarves. Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin and Assad are drawn as more recognizably-human, but are still heavily stylized and cartoonish.
  • Art Shift: When Kim suddenly remembers that he's the superpowered descendant of a lost alien race, there's a sudden cutaway to scenes taken directly from Action Comics #1 with a real photo of Kim Jong-un's face superimposed over Superman's.
  • Bad Santa: Satan Claus, who is considered evil for trying to bring Christmas to True Korea.
  • Big Bad: Barack Obama, in most episodes. Kim Jong-nam in the two-parter "Kim Jong Un vs. Kim Jong Il".
  • Black Comedy: The brutal and inhumane methods of North Korea, rather than being denied by the propaganda, are humorously presented as a positive thing. Executions are mentioned regularly and treated with the same weight as somebody merely going to jail.
  • Break Them by Talking: Kim Jong-nam tries this on Kim Jong-un during their battle, and it works.

    Kim Jong-nam: "Look at you... Deep down, you don't even want to win! You want to live in a world that has melted cheese, internet deviants and allows women to speak after dark! Give me control of True Korea, and you may live here, sipping water-beers and watching fairy-toons!"

  • Cain and Abel: Kim Jong-un and Kim Jong-nam.
  • Celeb Crush: Inverted. Both Kristen Bell and Jennifer Lawrence both want to be with Kim Jong Un. Kim is also Best Friends with Robert Downey Jr., who gives him an Iron Man suit and his goatee.
  • The Chains of Commanding: Interestingly enforced. Kim Jong-nam is literally destroyed by the awesome responsibility of trying to run North Korea.
  • Chick Magnet: So much so that he must build a wall around his wedding to keep out all the women protesting.
  • Christmas Episode: Or more accurately, “Kim Jong Un Is Great At Handstands Day,” when Kim broke the world record by doing a handstand for five seconds. Yet, Western media has tried to corrupt this day by sending Satan Claus to teach the children of True Korea about Western decadence. Kim of course foils this plot.
  • Composite Character: In this universe, Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds are apparently a single person named "Ryan Gosling Reynolds", which is potentially an In-Universe Factoid Failure by Kim himself.
  • Crossover: The episode "Kim Jong-un vs. Vladimir Putin" presents itself as if it were crossing over with Vladimir Putin's own equally-fictitious children's propaganda show. In-Universe, Obama causes Putin's show to suddenly preempt Kim's so he can go steal chemical weapons from Syria, leading to a Let's You and Him Fight between the two dicta- we mean noble and true leaders of free and prosperous nations.
  • Dance-Off: Kim Jong Un has one with Psy that causes heads to explode and almost destroys the fabric of the universe.
  • Death by Mocking: A minister criticizes Kim Jong Un for spending all his time playing Pokemon. He is then killed when a Charizard comes to life and burns him to death. The minister lampshades the deservedness of his death.
  • Deface of the Moon: Kim Jong Un personally launches a rocket to the moon, which upon impact reshapes the moon into Kim’s face.
  • Either/Or Title: Many of the episodes have titles like this. For example, the episode revolving around Kim Jong-un fighting Psy is called "A Great Deceit Revealed and Many Wrongs Righted, or Psy-onara Suckers".
  • Evil Counterpart: Kim Jong-un gets one in the form of his exiled elder brother, Kim Jong-nam. Jong-nam proudly boasts that his powers come from "absorbing all of western culture", and proves to be the only enemy Jong-un doesn't easily defeat.
  • Faceship: Kim Jong-un's "Handsomecopter", the perfect gift for any child of True Korea! PURCHASE IS MANDATORY
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin after they team up to take down Obama in "Kim Jong Un vs. Vladimir Putin."
  • Gainax Ending: Several episodes end with a random attack by Kim Jong Il, most of which are nuclear explosions but in one case was a sniper shot. None of these are connected to the plot of the episode, but these are explained at the end of the series as a long-running assassination plot by Kim Jong-nam, Kim Jong Un's older brother.
  • Happiness Is Mandatory: All viewers of the show are required to enjoy and not question the accuracy of its information. The punishment is death by scorpions/castration by donkey.
  • Harmless Villain: Almost every villain's plans are mainly Laughably Evil in nature, and they're usually defeated with little effort on Kim's part. Averted with Kim Jong-nam, who wanted to take over True Korea and actually proved to be a match for Un.
  • Heroic Mime: Kim Jong-un at first. Subverted and lampshaded in "Kim Jong Un vs. Kim Jong Il" part 1:

    Kim Jong-un: IMPOSTOR!
    (Kim Jong-un punches the cyborg Kim Jong-il's head off)
    Metal Minister: You can speak. Weird.

  • High School: The regular show is interrupted and replaced with "Typical American High School", where KJ1 is the New Transfer Student.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Kim Jong-nam's lust for power is what destroys him in the end as he is literally crushed into nothingness by the responsibilities of leading North Korea.
  • Hollywood Hacking: In "Kim Jong Un vs. Kim Jong Il," Metal Minister hacks into the cyborg Kim Jong-il to figure out where it was being controlled from. He accomplishes this by punching through its exterior and doing something inside it that makes sparks fly out.
  • I Am the Band: Kim Jong Un is credited as the writer, director, producer, and occassionally the artist for all the episodes.
  • In the Original Klingon: Basketball is actually "Korea-ball," invented in Korea but stolen by craven, uncreative Westerners.
  • Insistent Terminology: The country's name is not "North Korea". It is TRUE Korea.
  • Kavorka Man: Kim Jong-Un is short, stout, and silent. And yet, he attracts a ton of female attention.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Barack Obama tries to get Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin to fight each other by pre-empting Kim’s Propaganda Piece with Putin’s. When they discover Obama’s plot, Kim and Putin team up and destroy him.
  • Moonwalk Dance: Kim performs this in the first episode, along with another of Michael Jackson's signature poses, before killing the American internet troll who was spreading false rumors about Kim's weight.
  • Mother Russia Makes You Strong: Vladimir Putin, who actually was strong enough to put up a decent fight with Kim Jong-Un.
  • Mr. Exposition: Metal Minister, making up for the fact that Kim Jong-un is not very talkative.
  • Mystical Pregnancy: Women get pregnant just by watching Kim Jong Un juggle!
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Every episode gives Kim Jong-un at least one new gadget or superpower, often with only limp excuses at best:
    • In "The Adventures of Kim Jong-un", he can shapeshift into a jetplane (riding a unicorn riding a rocket-powered magic carpet), is allegedly bulletproof, possesses a sword that extends into a lightsaber, and is extremely talented at moonwalking.
    • In "The Adventures of Kim Jong-un Part 2", Kim is strong enough to toss a rocket at the moon, can perform a 'Future Punch' that allows him to ride a hoverboard (riding a dragon riding its own hoverboard while playing an electric guitar), receives a suit of Iron Man armor from Robert Downey Jr. - who happens to be Kim's best friend -, gets a further power upgrade from having a goatee, and is capable of juggling energy spheres.
    • Lampshaded in "The Adventures of Kim Jong-un Part 3", where Kim 'suddenly remembers' that he happens to be the last descendant of a dying alien race, and thus has the ability to fly under his own power. He also possesses a machine that can transfer someone's soul into a robot that resembles Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.
    • In "Kim Jong-un vs. Psy", Kim arrives in a 'Handsomecopter', and is revealed to have trained Psy in the art of dancing. Kim also possesses the power to duplicate himself into a squad of five clones, referred to as the 'Five-Member Explosive Pop Sensation Technique'.
    • Subverted in "Kim Jong-un and Dennis Rodman Recreate Space Jam", where he reuses the Five-Member Explosive Pop Sensation Technique to fill out the empty slots on his basketball team.
    • Subverted again in "Kim Jong-un's Hunger Games". While it is revealed that Kim was the champion of the True Korea Battle Royale seventeen times when he was still just a boy, it's also stated that he had a submachine gun, and that all of his opponents were harmlessly tied to trees.
    • Played straight in "Kim Jong-un vs. Kim Jong-il Part 2", where we learn that the source of Kim's rightful rulership of True Korea lies with the Orb of Leadership. However, only Jong-un is strong enough to wield it, because when Jong-nam attempts to absorb it, the sheer responsibility of ruling True Korea physically destroys him.
  • "Not Making This Up" Disclaimer: When it's revealed that Kim Jong-un has an older brother, Kim Jong-nam, who was disinherited after he got arrested trying to sneak into Disneyland, there's a text popup declaring "THIS IS TRUE", followed by an account of Jong-nam taking over Disneyland and building an army of robots to take over the world, which is accompanied by a similar popup reading "NOT THIS PART".
  • One-Winged Angel:
    • In "Kim Jong-un and Dennis Rodman Recreate Space Jam", Yao Ming fuses with his team of aliens to transform into a gigantic Blob Monster.
    • In "Kim Jong-un vs. Kim Jong-il Part 2", Kim Jong-nam transforms into Optimus Prime with a gigantic beerhat-wearing hamburger for a head, with the ability to shoot American cable TV signals from his chest-windows, complete with Boss Subtitles.
  • Power Limiter: In the High School episode, Kim must wear a dampening belt to keep his charisma level below 500, or all the girls will fall in love with him.
  • Propaganda Machine: Western media is portrayed as this, spreading lies about Kim Jong Un and the supposed poverty and oppression in North Korea.
  • Propaganda Piece: The series is a parody of these.
  • Public Secret Message: The theme song for Episode 4 includes a cry for help from the songwriters.
  • Reality Is Unrealistic: The description of Kim Jong-nam’s arrest at Tokyo Disneyland includes a Title Card explaining that this actually did happen.
  • Refugee from TV Land: The real-world Pokémon in "Kim Jong Un is a Pokémon Master," although there's no Applied Phlebotinum to justify it. Same with Veronica Mars and her 'lady squirrel friend' in "The Adventures of Kim Jong-un", due to emerging straight from the Internet.
  • Robot Buddy: Metal Minister.
  • Rule of Cool: A lot of Kim's adventures and superpowers run on this. In the first episode alone, he transforms into a jetplane, which then hops onto a giant pegasus riding a rocket-powered magic carpet, in order to travel to the United States.
  • Saving Christmas: Inverted. "Kim Jong Un vs. Christmas" has Kim Jong-un fighting the demonic Satan Claus in order to free North Korea from the evils of Western commercialism.
  • Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: Bradley Pitt, George Clooney, and Ryan Gosling Reynolds (who has Green Lantern powers) all interrupt Kim’s wedding to real-life wife Ri Sol-Ju, so they can force her to marry them and a a gay baby goat, as is customary in degenerate America.
  • Stylistic Suck: In "Kim Jong-un and Dennis Rodman Recreate Space Jam", Kim Jong-Un finds the animators' depiction of his basketball (sorry, Korea-ball) skills to not be good enough, so he decides to animate the scenes of him playing Korea-ball himself. Said scenes consist of stick figures moving choppily on a blank lined-paper background. Kim Jong-un's stick figure has a disproportionately large Gag Penis.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: At least once in every single episode, ranging from that hunger does not exist in True Korea to the animators voluntarily left their families to work on the series.
  • Utopia: North Korea is portrayed as this, and any mention of unhappiness and starvation is firmly denied. References to executions and other such things are still common, but with no implication that they're bad.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Several episodes include either a heartwarming message from Kim Jong Il or a quick mention of Kim Jong Un's childhood yearning to have spent more time with his father.
  • Wingding Eyes: Nearly every woman who sees Kim Jong Un gets heart-shaped eyes. Lampshaded by two high school girls, whose eyes become permanently heart-shaped after experiencing Kim’s full charisma.
  • Wish-Fulfillment: For CollegeHumor's fictionalized version of Kim Jong-un.
  • Yiff: Kim Jong Un falls for Lola Bunny and before this a squirrel girl.
The Adventures of Kim Jong Un - TV Tropes (2025)
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